Helen demonstrating Japanese papermaking to James Renwick Alliance workshop attendants.

Helen demonstrating Japanese papermaking to James Renwick Alliance workshop attendants.


Silver Spring, Maryland  

In 2017 Frederick announced Reading Road Studio in Silver Spring, MD. The studio offers an intimate collaborative experience for artists interested in works in and on paper, artist books, installation works, and critical conversations about visual and cultural literacy. It features a hand papermaking studio for the production of papermaking as an art form. offering master classes and collaborative sessions for artists who want to explore the possibilities of using papermaking as a translucent material, painterly or dimensional experience for their work. Dialogs about visual and cultural literacy, and social activism are always alive at Reading Road Studio.

Helen Frederick’s personal studio and workspace for artist collaborations, Reading Road Studio provides these options:

The paper studio offers a 2 lb. Hollander beater, many various sized papermaking  molds up to 4’x 8’, a large vacuum table for works up to 3.5ft by 5.5’ft and a 20-ton hydraulic press for sheets sized 42” x 24”, for the traditions of Oriental and Western hand papermaking, and paper as a contemporary art form.

The dry studio provides a small etching press that is available for smart litho plates, woodcuts, monoprints, collagraphs, and lino-cuts; a small book press, a papermaking dry box, work tables and display areas.

The studio provides viewing of a collection of custom papers, artists books, and a library of inspirational and instructional materials.

Artist collaborations have included Buzz Spector, Randi Reiss-McCormack, Ellen Hill, Preston Sampson, Nancy Sausser, Elzbieta Sikoska, Sharon Fishel, Lisa Shreirer, Erin Devine, Maria Barbosa, Susan Firestone, Elsabe Johnson Dixon, Cheryl Edwards, Aziza Gibson Hunter, Tara Sabharwal, Mary Ting, Phil Qian, Soledad Salame’, and William B. Adair. Visit Facebook and Instagram to view more photos of artist collaborations.

Helen Frederick offers lectures for small groups, institutions and universities regarding visual and cultural literacy, and contemporary art, including the history of hand papermaking, printmaking and artist books. See helenfrederick.com for additional booking information and lecture descriptions.

You are Invited!

Plan a visit to Reading Road Studios for a Tour, or take a

Virtual Papermaking Class at Reading Road Studio

Dates upon request 

Enjoy a virtual lecture and demonstration with Helen Frederick at her Reading Road Studio. Take the opportunity to learn about hand papermaking as an art form.

The talk on the first day will cover the traditional papermaking process as well as contemporary practices world-wide.

On the second day Frederick will illustrate the use of her Hollander beater and the fibers she prepares to make small to larger paperworks. Traditional techniques of making paper will be demonstrated along with pulp painting free hand, with stencils, transfers, collaging, and other approaches, to create finished works of art in the papermaking process.

For more information:

Helen Frederick is available for select lecture and workshop engagements.

To inquire about these opportunities:

Email: hfrederick1945@gmail.com

Facebook: Reading Road Studio


Ellen Hill creating a 43” x 43” work in paper pulp.


Maria Barbosa


Erin Devine


Preston Sampson

helen and Jayen.jpg

Aziza Gibson-Hunter


Cheryl Edwards


Hollander Beater

Reading Road Studio in Silver Spring, MD.


Buzz Spector

Randi Reiss-McCormack

Tara Sabharwal

Tara Sabharwal working with interns Helen Rose Brunner and Alec Grabic..

Phil Qian preparing recycled paper for pulp preparation

“Six Tenants”, 2022 by Phil Qian,

Recyled newspapers with abaca and Mumbo sauce

“Reading Road Studio”, 2022, Abaca, cotton, Mumbo sauce and tar paper strips

Phil Qian

Mary Ting in the studio with her work drying on boards.

Andrea McCluskey working on her pulp paintings.

Andrea McCluskey working in the studio with Guy Lewis.

Guy Lewis pressing pulp paintings.

William B. Adair working at the vacuum table.

Adair’s copper door ready for paper casting.

William B. Adair, artist and master gold leaf designer (Adair Gold Leaf Studio), using the Reading Road vacuum table in creating cast paper doors taken from his beautiful formed copper doors. The copper and paper doors will be exhibited in Italy at the American Academy in Rome, in the Tuscan town of of Volterra, and the Sicilian city of Gela. We recycled the thin tangerine colored gold leaf booklet papers with abaca and sizing to create 3.5” x 6’ papers for casting over the copper doors.